Thursday 16 February 2012

Raiding the Craft Shop (and Takeaway Pizza Boxes!)

We're lucky enough to have a well-stocked craft shop in the centre of town. On my shopping list was:
  • Something round and/or furry to use as Sonic (ideally in a range of different sizes and weights to experiment with)
  • A straw to blow/move sonic round the track
  • Gold, shiny material to build the gold rings out of
  • Anything that I could use as a potential obstacle or hazard
It's amazing how you can also get inspiration and ideas from stupid little things you find at home (and which most normal people throw away!)

My first supply forage yielded the following items...

Variety of balls. Top left to right: Dismantled cat toy; Dismantled Weepul; Orange Pom Pom (they were out of blue sadly); Small polystyrene ball; Large polystyrene ball (x2); Small compacted paper ball

Drinking straws x 2: 1 large (courtesy of KFC Krushems); 1 small (just your average drinking straw)

Plastic pizza tripods (courtesy of Pizza Hut)

Variety of shiny materials. Left to right: Gold card (A4) ; Gold metal strip; Gold wire (4 metres)

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